I’m not quite ready to swim 1.2 miles yet, but I am ready to volunteer for the Rev3 Triathlon at Quassy.

I started the day in the swim start area keeping non-racers off the beach.  It was cool being there and watching all of the nervous athletes.  I know what it’s like to have those pre-race jitters.  Mine involve fear of drowning, but still, I can relate.

As the racers went off wave by wave it was amazing to see all of those people stretched out in the lake.  Once the racers were off we got started on putting the starting area away.  All the metal fencing, and everything else had to be picked up.

From there I went to the swim transition area and helped hand out water aid the aid station.

A short walk through the now empty transition area and I was ready to watch the pros come back in on the bike.  I couldn’t believe how fast they were going.  They were at mile 30 before the last person was even out of the water.

I watched the guys come in with their ultra-smooth, and ultr-fast transitions, and run out like they didn’t have a care in the world.  Then the women did the same.

Then it was off to volunteer at the finish.

Last year when I volunteered it was terribly hot and humid.  This time the weather was perfect.

I was in charge of taking off the timing chips and spent all afternoon squatting down and pulling people’s chips.  It was amazing to see the mix of emotions for all of the athletes.

The pros ranged from indifferent to thrilled to downright pissed (DKT).  I was particularly impressed by Terenzo Bozzone.  When I took off his chip I said congratulations and great race.  He gave me a huge smile and shook my hand firmly.  He seemed to be a genuinely great guy.  I hadn’t really been rooting for anyone in particular, but I am now a big fan of his.

The women were great too.  Julie Dibens won this year after struggling last year, and Marinda Carfrae came in second.  They were both great, but Mirinda is still my favorite.

The rest of the time was spent welcoming in age groupers.  They were all great some were in tears just to have made it, others were furious because of their time.  Some gave it everything and needed assistance to get to the med tent, or just to walk to a shady spot to rest.  It’s cool to get to meet the pros, but it’s an incredible honor to help those other athletes who are there to prove to themselves that they can do anything.

I was move to tears so many times by so many people.  The man who ran over the finish hand in hand with his father, they were so excited that the hung and kissed each other at the finish line.  I could see the pride in the father’s eyes, and the love in the son’s.  It was amazing to share that, and to hope to be that father one day for my children.

The numerous parents who ran through the finish with their little children, all so proud of their parents.

The older athletes, in their 60’s and 70’s looking fresh after completing 70.3 miles.

And then everyone else who made it through to the finish, congrats to you all, it was a pleasure to meet each and every one of you.

Now it’s time for me to get serious about my training, I have some races to do, and my training has been a bit lax.